The Wisconsin Youth Sports Association and specifically the Angels baseball and softball teams as well as the Midwest Halos heavily rely on the support of the community. In all, the organization has more than 30 teams for 2023 that develop in a year-round capacity at the Halo. Maintaining the facility as well as updating it with the technology necessary to maintain the highest of standards for our youth is a challenging task. There are a number of regular updates required to upgrade the facility and its offerings. Some of those include:
Pro Pitching Machines ($3,000 per)
Youth Pitching Machines ($2,000 per)
Bounce Back Screens
Pitching Mounds & Mats
ATEC Defense Machines
Hitting Cage Net Repair
10 Dozen Baseball
10 Dozen Softballs
Tanner Tee
Infield Training Gloves
Pitcher Pocket Screen
Smart Coach Radar​​​​​​​​​
Outfield Sign Sponsorship
This sponsorship offers advertisers the opportunity to display their business’ name and logo just like the big leaguers...on the outfield fence of the Halo indoor baseball field.
Design & production of an 8’x4’ sign on the outfield wall at the halo.
Annual renewal opportunity
Video board logo inclusion
Web site presence as sponsor